Monday, May 27, 2013

Corporate X - Multipurpose Drupal 7 Theme

Corporate X - Multipurpose Drupal 7 Theme - Drupal CMS Themes

Version 2.21 is out. Check the bottom of this page for change log.

Corporate X is a fully responsive multipurpose theme for creating “content flexible” Drupal 7 websites in minutes. It’s built over the most recent and recommended Drupal version: 7.21, so you can start from a “scratch brand new base” on building a long term support solution for your clients. Drupal Team currently recommends Drupal 7 due to the advance of its community modules above later versions, 1 year after its initial release, and this is one of Corporate X’s highest features. You can browse the theme demo at Corporate X v 2.21 Demo. It’s extremelly easy to install, something like the “Next, next, next …” way.

You can preview the detailed Theme Documentation included on the item’s package.

Don’t forget to rate this theme if you like it. I’ll really appreciate it. ;D

Fully Responsive Layout

A fully responsive layout (try resizing your browser) allows Corporate X to addapt to your visitor’s devices, no matter what they’re using: iPhone, Android, Smartphones, Tablet, iPad or a common Desktop Computer. You can test it by opening the demo presented at Corporate X v 2.21 Demo and resizing your browser. Following are a set of previews of how the demo will be seen from different devices:

iPhone/Android devices in Portrait mode layout

iPhone/Android devices in Landscape mode layout

iPad/Tablet PC devices in Portrait mode layout

Desktop Screen such Mac or PC layout and iPad Lanscape

SEO (Search engine optimization)

Corporate X contains a lot of SEO best practices. It uses
semantically valid HTML code and CSS on every View & Content
Page so search engines can index them easily. Headlines are where they
should be (h1, h2, h3, h4 etc) depending on the View hierarchy. It helps
Search Engines like Google & Yahoo, to “understand” the ranking of
your content inside your pages, even when the boots that rank pages, are
just computers. Resuming, Corporate X provides an internal SEO
feature that will allow you to place your content online and get it on
high ranking probabilities.

Community acceptance

Corporate X has been choosen on “top premium drupal themes” selection all across the web. Here you can find some:

  • – Top 10 Drupal Themes April 22, 2012

  • – 18 Free and Premium Drupal Themes April 17, 2012

  • Trip Wire Magazine – 60+ Powerful And Excellent Drupal Premium Themes February 29, 2012

  • ISPSD .com – 20+ Premium Drupal Templates February 08, 2012

  • DesignModo – Best Free and Premium Drupal Themes (Templates) December 10, 2011

Contextual Content Edition

Corporate X includes an awesome contextual content edition interface
(red tags on content) in each one of the Views it contains. You won’t
need to learn/teach clients how to find a content you/they would like to
change. Just find where it’s being visualized and edit it. Each role on
your site can see only the contextual editing options as you define
them on the Drupal’s Permission module.

The Item also includes sample content (text + images) for each content type,
so you only need to edit it using contextual edition instead of having
to create it from scratch and it’s much easier to have it fully working
in 5 minutes. An old phrase says “It is much easier to edit, than
create” and that’s what you’ll got with Corporate X, instead of a blank
template. >Everything you see on the screnshots,
is what you’ll get, but the sample images, due to copyright reasons.
Then… you can add new content, but your site will be up and ready in
minutes. ” alt=”:D” src=”/images/smileys/laugh.png” ilo-full-src=”” />

Theme Colors Edition: Color Picker + Live Preview

Corporate X also includes an advanced theme editing interface, where you can edit every color on your screen by using a color picker.
16 base colors palettes will help you to get a start point for your
theme, but you can also customize as much as you want. Check out the
Theme settings screenshot for more details. You can also see it on theme documentation wich is included on the item.

Advanced jQuery Slideshow

In the Home Page, Corporate X includes an advanced jQuery slideshow with over 27 configurable effects you can use to show your slides. Most relevant included jQuery effects are:

  • Fade(default)

  • Blind

  • Curtain

  • Grow

  • Scroll

  • Shuffle

  • Slide

  • Toss

  • Uncover

  • Zoom

  • many more… (all just by making one simple click)

Technical details

  • 4 level fully responsive layout Try it resizing your browser.

  • 5 steps easy Installation like a “Next, next, next…” application alt=” title=”:D” /> (you don’t need to be a Drupaler).

  • 6 base color sets you can start from: Corporate X (Default), Corporate X Gray, Blue Night, Fashion Show, Clean View & Black Site.

  • Content Sharing via +300 social media resources via Addthis including: Facebook, Twitter, Mail, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, etc.

  • 16 base elements to change color using the color picker.

  • Millions of color combinations with a color Picker on each element.

  • 27 jQuery effects for Home Page Slideshow.

  • WYSIWYG text editor for edit your content like if you were in Wordpress.

  • Detailed & Commented CSS files for advanced theme editing.

  • 1, 2, 3 & 6 columns theme distribution on a 3 columns base layout.

  • 8 additional image styles adapted to theme layout.

  • 2 portfolios layouts, (to choose). 2 Columns & 3 Columns

  • XHTML & CSS Valid code.

  • Compatible with Internet Explorer 8, Mozilla Firefox 3.6, Google Chrome 12, Opera 10 & Safari 4 and later.

  • SEO optimized layout & Views.

  • Multibrowser PNG transparency support for the home slideshow (see live demo).

  • In browser JavaScript image cropping for uploading Home Slide images & many others. (your clients won’t need any Image editor such as Photoshop for image adjustments)

  • Automatic thumbnail generation in every required scope of content for avoiding huge images to “destroy” site’s layout.

Drupal Configuration

  • Drupal 7.21 Supported (Drupal Team’s Recommendation)

  • Fast Installation: All required modules are included on the package.

  • Contextual edition for every view

  • 6 additional content types

  • 7 advanced base Views you can edit and clone.

  • 5 custom blocks included

Theme Documentation

Corporate X package includes a detailed documentation
that allow you to get started installing the theme, the whole Drupal
7.21 project, how to customize your theme and many other technical
details for advanced theme developers interested on extending it. You
can read it here. As an overview, documentation summary includes:

  • Change Log

  • Theme Overview

  • Installing Corporate X

  • Change Theme Appearance

  • Change Site Logo

  • Change jQuery Home Slide Effect

  • Setting up the Default Portfolio

  • Changing Views specific Titles

  • Changing Footer Blocks

  • Advanced Theme Development

  • Sources and Credits

Documentation also includes screenshots, graphics & code fragments for specific topics.

Included Drupal 7 Modules

Following are the modules included on the packagge. You won’t need to
add any other one to get it working. Once installed, you can extend it
as you do with any other Drupal site:

  • Views 3.5

  • Views Slideshow 3

  • References

  • CTools

  • ImageField Crop

  • PathAuto

  • Token

  • CKEditor

  • IMCE

Purchaser’s Support

Purchasing one of our items is much more than getting a zip file.
Verified buyers get the guarantee of having a solid support service for
getting out of troubles and issues during the item usage. It allows you
to get it addapted to your client on hours. Here you can read some
testimonials you can also find on the item discussion section:

I can say DoubleMThemes gave amazing technical support
for a few issues I was having with installing the theme. In other
words, you are not only buying a great theme you are also getting
premium support which can save you hours or even days of scratching your

Really love this theme! It was easy to set up, extremely easy to use and Double M Themes gave me prompt service when I ran into a problem. Great template and a great price.

Thanks DoubleMThemes for your outstanding support! I appreciate your prompt replies and your dedication in helping resolve my issues. It will be my pleasure to purchase from you again in the future.

I want to thank you again for your fantastic customer service!!!
I really appreciate your quick response and helping me solve my issue.
I’m excited to start digging into the CorporateX theme … seems to be
beautifully designed, very intuitive and easy to use!

I provide support for any theme/item related question or doubt
(I’m currently working on GMT -5 so please, be patient for my
response) so if you have any, please mail me via the contact form titled
“Email DoubleMThemes” at the bottom of the right sidebar of my profile page.

Sources and Credits

I’ve used images for the demo live preview from nanpalmero. Each one are copyrighted to him, and are Creative Commons-licensed
for commercial use, adaptation, modification or building upon. The
images are used for demo purpose and are NOT included with the
download. I thanks him for providing the content for use under ‘Creative
Commons Attribution’ for the community.

Ubuntu 11.04 Desktop Wallpapers are also used on demo. These files are NOT included on the downloadable item.

Updates Log

v2.21 March 7th, 2013

  • Drupal upgraded to 7.21.

v2.20 February 23rd, 2013

  • Drupal upgraded to 7.20.

v2.2 October 3rd, 2012

  • Drupal upgraded to 7.15.

  • Updated Drupal 7.x modules.

v2.1 May 1, 2012

  • Fixed Menu Overlapping while logged in as admin.

  • Updated Drupal 7.x modules: References to 2.0, Social Media to 1.0-beta11, Token to 1.0 & CKEditor to 7.x-1.9.

v2.0 April 20, 2012

  • 4 Level Responsive Layout Support (major update). Resize your browser on the demo to test it.

  • Social Media integration via AddThis, Facebook like, Twitter Share and Google Plus 1

  • Updated Drupal 7.x modules: Views to 3.3, Token to 7.x-1.0-rc1 & CKEditor to 7.x-1.8.

  • Added Breadcrumbs navigation.

  • Fixed dropshadow issue on “CleanView” color set.

  • Fixed dropdown menu issue on Color Picker.

v1.3 Februrary 3, 2012

  • Drupal 7.12 Support

  • Installation upgraded to an Installation profile (so easy to install alt=” title=”:D” /> )

v1.2 January 30, 2012

  • Included Contact Form with automatic mail send in “Contact Us” page.

  • Included WYSIWYG CKEditor + IMCE for Images/Files uploading and Rich content edition.

  • CSS Dropdown Menu support for Primary Links.

  • SEO Friendly URLs.

  • Typography sample page.

  • Included New Views:

    • 2 Columns Portfolio

    • 3 Columns Portfolio

  • Updated Drupal 7.x modules:

    • Views to 3.1

    • Views Slideshow to 3.0

  • Included Modules

    • For SEO URL Aliases

      • PathAuto

      • Token

    • For WYSIWYG content edition user experience

      • CKEditor

      • IMCE

v1.1 January 11, 2012

  • Drupal 7.10 Support

v1.0 December 2, 2011

  • Initial Release

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